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S/4 HANA Fiori T-code 리스트

by SANGBAE MOON 2020. 12. 4.

유용한 Fiori T-code 리스트

직접 tcode 창에 입력하려면 /n 을 한 번 붙이고 입력해줘야함. 예를들어 /n/UI2/FLP 처럼. 

/UI2/CACHE Register service for UI2 cache use
/UI2/CACHE_DEL Delete cache entries
/IWBEP/REG_SERVICE Maintain Service
캐쉬 클린업 할 때 사용(트러블 슈팅 관련)
/UI2/CHIP Chip Registration
/UI2/CUST Customizing of UI Technologies
/UI2/FLC Fiori Launchpad Checks
/UI2/FLIA Fiori Launchpad Intent Analyis
/UI2/FLP SAP Fiori Launchpad
/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE Activate and Maintain Services
/IWFND/ERROR_LOG SAP Gateway Error Log
/UI2/FLP_CONTCHECK Fiori Launchpad – Content Checks
/UI2/FLP_INTENTCHECK Fiori Launchpad – Intent Checks
/UI2/FLPD_CONF Fiori Launchpad Designer (cross-client)
/UI2/FLPD_CUST Fiori Launchpad Designer (client-specific)
/UI2/GW_ACTIVATE Gateway – Activation
/UI2/GW_APPS_LOG Gateway – Application Log
/UI2/GW_ERR_LOG Gateway – Error Log
/UI2/GW_MAINT_SRV Gateway – Service Maintenance
/UI2/GW_SYS_ALIAS Gateway – Manage SAP System Alias
/UI2/NAV Register navigation objects
/UI2/NAVPROV Define navigation provider
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_CUST NWBC Configuration (Customer)
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_P_CUST NWBC Config: Define Parameter (Cust)
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_P_SAP NWBC Config: Define Parameter (SAP)
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_SAP NWBC Configuration (SAP)
/UI2/PERS_DEL Cleanup Personalisatation Service
/UI2/POWL Register POWL for OData consumption
/UI2/SEMOBJ Define Semantic Object – Customer
/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAP Define Semantic Object – SAP
